Thursday, 16 June 2016

How to Tell Your CV Joints Need to Be Repaired

As part of your vehicle’s axle assembly, CV joints help deliver torque from its transmission to its wheels. This joint is designed to rotate the wheels consistently, and its sturdy construction prevents excess heat and friction during operation. While it’s not unusual for these components to last a very long time, they can become damaged and cause significant handling problems. Look for these common signs that your CV joints need to be repaired.

1. Grease Around Your Tires

The CV joint contains grease, and is sealed inside the part by an outer boot. Cracking or tearing of the boot leads to leaking lubricant, which is commonly found on the inside rims of your tires.

2. Unusual Noises While Driving

If you hear loud clicking while turning your vehicle, this is another sign that the CV joint is failing to lubricate. Once the outer boot has ruptured, grease leaks out and dirt can easily penetrate the component.

3. Vibrating

Vibrating is also an indicator of a damaged CV joint. Lack of grease inside the joint causes it to wear out more rapidly. If not taken care of right away, your entire axle assembly may need replacement.

If not corrected right away, faulty CV joints will eventually ground your vehicle. Catching the problem early will save you more expensive repairs later down the road. Visit this website to learn more about CV joint repair in La Jolla.

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